In a world where magic shimmers beneath the surface, young Elara discovers she possesses a powerful gift. Hunted by shadowy figures and guided by cryptic omens, she must unravel the mysteries of her past to protect read more her family and the world from an impending darkness. Her journey takes her through ancient ruins, across treacherous landscap… Read More

Dawson alternates in between two timelines. In the 1st, Anne Boleyn, not nevertheless queen, is head of a top secret royal coven. Grace Fairfax has a short while ago fled an abusive relationship in the North to provide Queen Catherine as one among her females in waiting around. really should be a staple on just about every teenage reader’s books… Read More

In a world wherever read more magic flows like a mystical river and supernatural beings stroll amongst mortals, a single young girl's everyday living normally takes a extraordinary change when she discovers her extraordinary qualities plus the weighty obligation that comes with them. meet up with Seraphina, a seemingly normal female who out of the… Read More